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Worship, Fellowship, Sermon Series Richard Gee Jr. Worship, Fellowship, Sermon Series Richard Gee Jr.

Celebrate Easter at Providence

You’ll want to join us for several meaningful events throughout Holy Week leading up to and culminating with Easter Sunday:

Palm Sunday Worship β€’ March 24 β€’ 10:30am
Who doesn't love a parade? In addition to Palm Sunday’s Parade Promises sermon, worship will feature communion and pieces by our handbell choir.

Palm Sunday Children’s Easter Egg Hunt β€’ March 24 β€’ 11:45am
Immediately following worship, our children will scour the Providence campus for goodies during our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Donations of plastic Easter eggs filled with candy, stickers, or small toys are welcomed by Sunday, March 10.

Palm Sunday Potluck Lunch β€’ March 24 β€’ 12:00pm
Upon the conclusion of our Egg Hunt, we’ll gather back in the Sanctuary for a delicious potluck lunch. Plan to bring your favorite dish to share with others.

Maundy Thursday β€’ March 28 β€’ 7pm
Gather as Jesus did with friends to share a simple meal and foot washing

Good Friday β€’ March 29 β€’ 7pm
A service of silence and sorrow as we remember Christ’s sacrificial death

Resurrection Sunday β€’ March 31 β€’ 10:30am
Our Lent worship theme Promises β€’ Promises concludes with Pastor Dan’s sermon Free at Last exploring God’s greatest promise fulfilled along with uplifting choral selections from Mozart's Alleluia, Christ is Risen

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