Welcome to Providence!
Our Story
We are a warm and inclusive family of believers, dedicated to deepening our connection with God, each other, and the world around us. Our faith is centered on Jesus Christ as our Lord, and we live out our commitment by engaging in worship, missions, and fellowship.
We truly believe that every person is a reflection of God's image and possesses immeasurable worth and dignity. Our community cherishes diversity and embraces the fact that God's love encompasses all individuals.
In our congregation, both men and women hold leadership positions, and the young among us actively participate in every aspect of our communal life. We see ourselves as an extended intergenerational family, lovingly embracing every member.
Whether you are young or old, married or single, financially secure or facing challenges, a committed follower of Christ or simply seeking answers, you are sincerely welcome at Providence. We are here to support and accompany you on your spiritual journey, exactly where you are.
Providence Church is an inclusive, multi-generational community of believers in God as revealed in Jesus Christ. We affirm the sacredness, diginity, and equality of all persons regardless of ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomics, immigration status, political affiliation, theological background or any other distinction of society. Wherever you are on life’s journey, as God’s beloved, you are worthy and welcome here.

Our History
In August 1995, a group of friends who had been worshiping together felt led to begin a new church that would provide spiritual depth, caring relationships and meaningful worship. Shortly thereafter, we selected the name Providence, reflecting our deep common conviction that God's providence had not only made possible our beginning, but also had guided us along our journey.
In February 1996, we officially constituted as a church, with each member signing a covenant committing ourselves to God and each other. In Spring 2000, after months of prayerful planning and building, we completed construction of our Sanctuary on Daniel Island. Located at the corner of Seven Farms Drive and Daniel Island Drive, it was the island's first church and serves as a place of spiritual renewal, service and ministry to the Charleston community and beyond.
In 2021, we celebrated our 25th anniversary with the publishing of Providence Celebrates 25 Years, a member-penned hardbound keepsake retrospective of our first 25 years of mission and ministry. Other important events in the life of our congregation are captured in the timeline below.
Major Milestones
Spring 1995
First Gathering
A group of approximately 50 people leaves the historic First Baptist Church of Charleston and begins worshiping together in rented office space.
Summer 1995
The Church Outside the Walls
The group decides in a vote to move forward as a church, officially registering as The Church Outside the Walls with the SC Secretary of State.
December 1995
Providence Baptist Church
The church eventually settles on the name Providence Baptist Church of Charleston and affiliates with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.
December 1995
SDA West Ashley
The new church begins worshiping in rented space at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, West Ashley, with services led by interim Pastor Posey Belcher.
February 1996
Providence Constitutes
A Constituting service with all members signing the Church Covenant is held.
April 1997
Rev. Don Flowers
The Reverend Dr. Don Flowers is called as the first Senior Pastor.
Summer 1997
6 youth and 2 adult chaperones attend the first Unidiversity youth camp featuring recreation, fellowship, and spiritual renewal with teens from churches across the Southeast.
March 1998
Rev. Deanna McBroom
The Reverend Deanna McBroom is called to serve as Minister of Music and becomes the first member ordained to ministry.
December 1998
Daniel Island
Providence’s Property Search Committee accepts the Daniel Island Corporation’s offer of property on Seven Farms Drive — then a dirt road on an island with few full-time residents.
August 1999
Ground Breaking
Fighting mosquitoes and humidity, the fledgling church gathers for a prayer and dedication ground-breaking service as the first phase of construction on the Sanctuary Building is set to begin.
April 2000
First Easter Celebration
Easter worship is celebrated as the first service in the newly-constructed sanctuary.
May 2001
Down by the River
A unique tradition is instituted with the first baptism by pastor Don Flowers in the Wando River.
December 2001
Fruit of the Spirit
Providence publishes its own cookbook, Fruit of the Spirit: Recipes from the Church Outside the Walls.
May 2002
Rev. David Woody
The Reverend David Woody is called as Minister of Faith Development.
May 2003
Education Building
Construction of the Education Building is completed
Summer 2005
Providence Possums
Providence fields a co-ed softball team prophetically deemed the Providence Possums. The squad’s record lived up to its name and the team’s t-shirts become vintage gold.
August 2012
Providence Preschool
Providence Preschool opens, ministering to many families on Daniel Island and the surrounding area.
March 2014
Missions Matters
Providence initiates an annual missions project with Rise Against Hunger, a global leader in addressing nutrition in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities. Other ministry partners — past and present — include Habitat for Humanity, Metanoia, HALOS, Charleston Area Justice Ministry, Water Mission, Lowcountry Food Bank, Ralph Johnson VA Hospital, and East Cooper Faith Council,.
February 2018
Rev. Bo Prosser
The Reverend Dr. Bo Prosser is called as Interim Pastor.
January 2019
David Richardson
David Richardson is called as Minister of Music after the retirement of Deanna McBroom.
March 2019
Providence Church
Signaling an effort to better reflect its welcoming, inclusive and ecumenical fellowship, the congregation votes to amend its name to Providence Church.
July 2019
Planning Ahead
The 1.5-acre lot along Daniel Island Drive is purchased and designated as land for a future, formal sanctuary.
August 2019
Rev. Dan Freemyer
The Reverend Daniel Freemyer is called as Senior Pastor.
Spring 2020
COVID Impact
The COVID-19 pandemic shutters in-person worship as the staff scrambles to host Sunday School and online worship services via Zoom and Facebook Live.
April 2020
The Butterfly Effect
Providence continues its community involvement with construction and installation of a photo booth — a large monarch butterfly symbolizing hope for rebirth during the pandemic.
December 2022
Celebrating 25 Years
In celebration of Providence’s 25th anniversary, the church publishes a history book, Reflections on the First 25 Years: By the People of Providence Church Charleston.
April 2022
Rev. Allison Benfield
The Reverend Allison Benfield is called as Associate Pastor.
May 2023
Prayer Labyrinth
Dedicated in honor of member and longtime Sunday School teacher Dr. Charles Taylor’s 100th birthday, construction under the direction of member and Eagle Scout Grant Liegl is completed on a labyrinth next to the Sanctuary Building offering the community a place to pause, meditate, and pray.