Worship at Providence
Worship Schedule
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Gathered Worship
Worship forms the core of who we are as a congregation. As we gather for worship we seek to connect with God, one another and our world through music, prayer and proclamation.
Often people ask, "What is worship like at Providence?" Well, it really depends on the week! We say that our worship is "formal yet flexible." What that means is most weeks you will find our ministers wearing robes, but you never know when the preacher might break out in a song during the sermon.
One characteristic of worship at Providence is spelled out in our vision statement—"participatory worship." That means we seek to involve everyone in worship leadership, celebrating our rich diversity as a congregation and recognizing each individual’s unique contribution to the mission and ministry of the church.
Our Music Ministry is a vital aspect of worship at Providence. The Adult Choir provides leadership through a special music offering each week as well as through several music-focused services during the year. Our handbell ensemble, the Providence Ringers, also enhances worship with occasional special selections.
You can get a taste of worship by checking out our online services, but the best way is to experience worship in person. We have services each Sunday at 10:30 am. Childcare is available for children 4 and younger in the Education Building, and worshippers of all ages are always welcome!
We look forward to seeing you soon!